Around the sun!

 Hey! So today we were talking about birthdays,  What are your best and worst birthday experiences?
Do you have anything planned for your birthday this year or how would you like to celebrate your next bithday? Tell us all about it!

Also, I'll leave the class birthday calendar if you want to check it out. Shootout to Andy and Asael on their birthday's! I love u guys and I can only wish the best for you today and always! 

Andy and Asael October-22

Karla Feb-17

Fer Mejía March-19

Fer Laffite March-17

Monse August-28

Guadalupe September-15

Eduardo January-6

José March-7

Max Longar December-15

Fer Quintana September-13

Ximena March-17

Max Morgado May 13

Maya January 31

Michelle August 12

Scarlett February 1

Sofi August 24

Valeria March 16

Yoani May 23


  1. Ps, my birthday's on August 7th
    If you have any presents saved for me

  2. I dont remember my birthdays because they were a long time ago and recently i havent celebrated one. I dont have anything planned o the following one

  3. I don’t like being alone or feel like that, so if I could celebrate it with my friends it’d be awesome

  4. well, I don't remember most of my birthdays, because I've never done anything super crazy in them, I believe. I also don't have any horror stories or ''worse birthday" memories.

    to answer the other question, I'm keeping it low this year because of covid, so I'll just meet up with some friends and eat some nice food :) I'd like to do something elaborate in the future though, maybe take myself on a trip somewhere nice, or get a tattoo for that day.

    -. Andrea .-

  5. My birthdays are honeslty kind of blurred together but all of them have been good, my family always gets something nice to eat and it's a comfy environment, I like it a lot.

    I don't know what I'm gonna do my next birthday at all, I'm hoping the pandemic gets better by then but I don't really think so, so I guess I'm gonna do something small with my family and maybe some of my friends. By the way, happy birthday! Better late than never (?
    -Fernanda Mejía

  6. Sooo. I think one of the greatest birthdays was My 15th birthday. It was cozy and pretty funny, despite of the Covid timee. And, I don't have a bad bday memory. Besides that I don't remember as much as I would like to. I wanna spend time with My Friends for the next year, unless something bigger occured. I think that there are all my plans at this moment. :)
    -Yoani Franco

  7. Umm I’m not really much of a social person so if I can spend my next birthday with my family and some close friends that would be great :) or maybe travel somewhere else

  8. Hello there, so my little party already ended because you know it's Thursday and my uncles have jobs and my cousins and I have school, but it was pretty cool, we ate a lot of tacos, also "nieve" and chocolate cake. As I already told you my worst birthday was my 1 year old birthday because I got a pretty painful vaccine, and the best one it was my 5 years old party because it was really big. Finally I don’t know what to expect from my next birthday because I'll be on college and it's a little scary I think.


  9. My best experience was the time I turned 16 , I went to the beach with some friends and we celebrate 2 birthdaysss:). For me is something really special, I like to celebrate it with my family and some friends but my next birthday I don't know to do. I mean, I cant celebrate it doing a big party or something like that, I would like to invite them to my house and maybe eat something I like but I don't want to make a big party cause its a lot of stress for me and at the end I don't enjoy it . I think that most of the times you make a party, you don't do it for yourself, you do it for the guests and that's not the goal of celebrating your birthday.

  10. All my birthday parties have been really cool, my mom used to celebrate my sister an I on the same day so the parties were really big with all the family and friends. Then I grew up:( and the parties came to an end. And for my 18 I wanted to throw a party but I don’t think it will be possible because of covid-19:(
    - Karly R. H.

  11. In my next birthday I would like to spend time with my close friends and family, maybe just go to eat to a restaurant. Because my fifteen birthday I couldn't celebrate because of the pandemic, so I only want to see my friends again.
    -Fernanda Q. :)

  12. Sup people, sooo... I allready told my story and im lazy, but in a short resumed way, I dont like birthdays and i have never had a big party, I just like to be alone or gather with like 1 or 2 really close friends, see ya

  13. Hi everyone, I don't have anything planned for my next birthday, and if I'm being honest I don't my next birthday to arrive because will involve me becoming an "adult" and I am definitely not ready to be an adult.
    :( Michelle

  14. This year was my favorite birthday. I invited three friends, but they canceled on me. At first, I thought no one was coming, but surprisingly they ended up coming to my house. We ate until we got fat, swam, we played volleyball, and even made friendship bracelets. I don't like parties, but that day was important and meaningful because I felt loved and special.

    Moving to my worst birthday, I honestly can't think of such a thing. Every year is different and unique.

    Next year I want to have a sleepover with my friends, maybe we could go biking, have a picnic and at night look at the stars. That would be perfect:)

  15. As I told you in class, I am not a big fan of birthdays but that rush you feel that day is great!
    I have never had a bad birthday but also I don’t remember a “best” birthday because I always do the same great plan, eating and having dinner with family and friends.
    Also, birthdays are used to tell people how much you love them and that’s great

  16. Hey there!
    so I was lucky because my birthday was before quarantine and I went to acapulco with some friends and my boyfriend. I think that has been my favorite birthday.
    And I'm thinking that for my 18th birthday I will go to Acapulco again but with more friends.
    I can't even think which was my worst birthday... I don’t have one. Because the ones I have had, my loved ones have been by my side and although sometimes it is boring, I appreciate that they are there


  17. Hi, mi best birthfay I don't know which one was, maybe my 15 birthday because some of my friends stayed at my house, and my worst was the 14 because I has pretty high expectations about it but my best friend told me she was moving to Cdmx, so all the day I cried all day.
    Next year I just want my best friends with me, that are just 4 boys and my family :)

  18. My favorite birthday was a year ago because I spent it with my mom, and as I said a thousand times, I hadn't seen her in a long time, it was like a mother and daughter's day that I really enjoyed, we went to eat at an Italian restaurant because it's my favorite food, then we went shopping at the mall, and a week before we went to Shawn Mendes' concert together (it was my birthday surprise but I discovered it because I knew the dates of the tour), I was the most spoiled girl in the world... now I wanna cry because I miss her a lot and this year I didn't spend my birthday with her.
    I had a happy childhood with happy birthdays
    I hate parties because I don't like being with a lot of people :p
    I love spending time with my little brother, my parents, and my grandparents because I know that they will love me forever and they make me feel special (Jairo is a bonus)
    Oh no I'm gonna cry again, I want my mom heeere )):
    Ps, my birthday was on July 9th
    Edna S(:

  19. Hey teacher, now that I can remember my facorite birthay was my 14 birthay because on december 25 2018 my favourite team was the champion of the Mexico soccer league, then ok my birthay I went ti the rollo with my friends and parents after they gave me an Xbox one s, but that didn’t all, at night we went to Cuernavaca to have dinner in a very beautiful restaurant
    I jope you are well see you soon
    Héctor Eduardo


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