Misery was

 Watch the video here!

Any thoughts? Share it with us! 


  1. I think that genetic modification can be a good thing for humanity, but I don't think we as a society are prepared for something like that. There are many people that would benefit from this, and use it to their own advantage. Playing god is something humans are obsessed with doing, and perhaps it's time we learn that its not always a good idea.

    -. Andrea .-

  2. Controling ADN is a very dangerous work because if you make a mistake you can create something unknow and may cause destruction . But if it is managed properly it can be a miracle for the humanity

  3. I think that besides of the thought of evolution, this video was also about how people's minds are changing, as he said, we´re all miserable and it's the most common thing to have suddenly a different behaviour. Humanity is not well prepared enough for knowing what our future will look like. I think that beyond of genetic mutations, people are gonna suffer from such a radical change, I hope not soon. :)
    Yoani Franco

  4. The unknown is incredible. And I think life won’t let us discover (in case if it’s discovered sometime) the truth. I find it amazing to know that we’ll never know what is our purpose and our reason to be here. Talking about genetic modification, I think that in a few years human raze will be able to modify life as they want
    Fernando laffitte

  5. I don't like things that I can't control so for me, experimenting with ADN or with natural things is not for me, We can cause bad things and cause the end of the world. Im afraid of experiments and we are not prepare enough to control 100% of our lifes, let the universe decide our future!!

  6. It's just amazing how people can change de ADN and do some modifications in the world, but is dangerous because we are not sure what it will turn out to be. Also talking about misery the guy from the video is right, sometimes we are happy and other times we are sad, but we always return to our baseline. Maybe in a future there is no more misery, and we will can say the misery was!
    -Fernanda Quintana

  7. Hello there. As I said I think it's a really complete video. About the subject is one of the most complex in the world I should say, and I think the main point right here is the control, that by the end maybe it will never exist, if we are not able to control our emotions (like if we feel happy or miserable) how do we pretend to control a whole world?


  8. I see why people find genetic modifications exciting or fascinating, because they are, at a certain extent. But, it's not something I would mess around with, because while a future without sickness sounds appealing, there are other outcomes that don't sound good at all, and even more with everything that's already going on in the world. Neverthless, maybe some people would like to argue with that and say that that's exactly why modifications are being made, and I would also undestand. It's a really complex subject, and I think that's why it's so interesting.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  9. Hey, I liked the video because it was both funny and interesting. I already said that I don't think we are ready yet. Humans have always been, are, and probably will be selfish, we do everything to benefit ourselves and it is just a matter of time until we do it again. I'm also worried about humans trying to get rid of mental health disorders or diseases. We all need to get knocked lower than we have always been to stand back up taller than we ever were. If you are never sad, happiness would eventually become a normal ''mood'' or ''state of mind'' and we would get back to the same problem. Even if we try to be perfect, there will always be something new that we would want to become, because we always want more. Sofía Ampudia

  10. Hi! I’d love to work with DNA but at the same time I’d be scared because we really don’t know what the consequences might be. Besides the area is really big, and as my partners said we are not prepared for it.

  11. I think it would be awesome to be able to modify genetics but I don’t think we’re ready for that. Hopefully in the future people will be able to do it without causing any damage. Safety comes first always and we still have a long way to go.

  12. Hi, well I think it was a interesting video, but I as someone said we're not prepared for something like modify DNA, because there's no total control of it, now sounds scary to talk about it, but it's something difficult to talk about.


  13. A genetic modification can be very incredible but as well as there are benefits there are also bad consecuences and I think that we are not ready for that because some insignificant modification can become something big and dangerous

  14. Both scary and interesting this idea of a the future is certainly an enigma, and its has two sides of the same coin, black or white; it doesnt have any thing in between, soo my take is that yes, it could be COOL and helpful but, I dont think we are ready and are not going to be ready for many years to come. Ps: we are all going to be dead in the time we reach that technological capacity.

  15. I think the video was so cool, the guy from the video seemed really cool but it made me think about a lot of things, I am now really concerned about the future of our world but I can conclude that I really hope I am already dead by the time our world goes down the hill for real

  16. I really liked the video although it was so long and the guy talks very fast but the topics were very interesting also he explains the things in a fun way and now I can see the sadness and the misery in another perspective, so I enjoyed it a lot:) - Karly R. H.

  17. I liked the idea about how the technology could improve our lives in future, just thinking about there wont be mistakes on the creation of a new human, and how some many deseases could dissapear.

  18. I LOVE GENETICS TOPICS, I know there can be good and negative consequences depending on who handles it but... why be so pessimistic? humans can be bad and selfish but we don't need to generalize, there are still humans who want good for everyone, I believe in heroes and I think there are many ways to improve the world and genetics can be part of that
    Edna S(;


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