Speaking 101

  Hey children! So, how was your experience communicating with native English speakers? Did you notice any differences in between the English you've learn an theirs? How confident did you feel during the conversation? Tell us all about it! 


  1. hi teacher! well, for me it wasn't difficult in the sense that they're native speakers (since I've been doing that for a while now), but rather that Megan was a stranger. I'm very awkward with people I don't know, but she made me feel more comfortable!

    I'd say the main difference is pronunciation, to them it flows naturally, whereas I have to try a little to make sure I can be understood.

    I enjoyed these activities and I think they will help develop an important skill for the future :)

    -. Andie .-

  2. hi everyone
    I honestly enjoyed both activities, I think I felt way more nervous while talking to Megan and maybe its just the fact that she is an adult, and with Sophie (even though it was more awkward) everything went more smooth.
    I think both times I started feeling super scared, and I was so self conscious of the way I was speaking but then I started gaining more confindence.
    I would definitely love to keep doing this kind of activities.


  3. I felt confident at the fist call, your friend Megan is really nice and friendly, so that
    me to be confident. About the second one I didn’t feel as confident as I would’ve wanted. I hope I make it better soon.


  4. hello, i liked the activity because we were able to speak with a native speaker of the language and learn the accent of that part of the world .

  5. I think these kind of activities are the ones I like the most, we got the chance of talking to different people besides us, I really enjoyed speaking with Megan and Sophie, even though, I was extremely nervous of not getting understood by them, as far as I'm concerned there are a lot of differences between our english and theirs, they have a better pronunciation and a huge variety of vocabulary, I´d really like to do these type of acts again, I think it's the right method for learning English, at the time we study English, we get knowledge of different cultures around the World.

  6. Hi everyone!
    I felt very nervous talking to them because I didn’t know what to say so I think I wasn’t 100% confident, and I also noticed Sophie's British accent, I must say that I love that accent because it sounds very good to my ears 👌
    Being honest, I don't like having English classes the first hour because I feel like I don't speak well, my voice is weird and I don't express myself the 100%


  7. Hello there. First of all I think both of them are pretty cool. Well I like this kind of activities because they help me to improve my speaking, only thing I don’t like are the akward silence between answers but I think that's something I can work at. And yeah I felt confident but tired because of the hour.


  8. Hi! I really like to talk and listen to other people that have experience and live in another city of mexico like Megan or in another country like Sophie. At the first time I was nervous because they already know English and they are excellent, but it really helps me to learn and discover new vocabulary and pronunciation that I need to improve.
    It would be very good to continue with these activities ;)
    -Fernanda Quintana

  9. Hi. Well, to be honest I feel like my questions in both calls could've been more interesting haha. I liked talking to both of them, they seemed pretty nice and chill. I wouldn't say I was nervous but it was kind of awkward at first. I like these kind of activities, I think they're cool :)

  10. Hello. Even though Megan and Sophie are super cool, I got a little nervous. When Sophie started talking, I got confused because I'm not familiar with the British accent, contrary to Megan, I understood everything she said. I know we didn't participate as much as you wanted, but I have hope, the next time we will be less scared. The only way to learn a language is by practicing.
    Sofi Ampudia.

  11. Hello, I think that even though it’s cool to talk to native English speakers it’s always difficult to break the ice with strangers. It’s cool to know others people experience, their thoughts and how different they are from us so I would like to repeat this experience

  12. Hi teacher. i think it was cool to talk with other people that speaks english, i was a bit nervous bc with new people I´m shy and even more if it´s in english, but at the moment i felt good and it was a great experience

  13. I don't like talking to people and less to people from another country, even so I think I did it more or less well, I just felt a little stupid when I talked to Sophie because my tongue got stuck and I said 2 wrong words but then it happened to me and it made me laugh.
    I like the different accents because they are fun but they also stress me a bit since I have to pay more attention to them and the truth is I am very distracted.
    I prefer to hide and speak in English to Botas but the activity was cool.
    Edna S(:

  14. I believe this kind of activities are the kind we need to really improve our english even tho it was kind off uncomfortable that will eventually change with time wheb we get more usted to speaking in english

  15. I enjoyed the activities, I really liked megan, it looks like she's really cute. I felt nervous as usual, but these kinds of activities help me be more confident and talkative:) - Karla R.

  16. Hello teacher I think it was a very good experience because we talked with a native and we learned more about that experience see you soon and thank you.
    Héctor Eduardo


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