The social dilemma


Shocking, isn't it?

How far can the existence and usage of digital plataforms can go but most important how much do the affect our mindset.

After watching the movie/documentary, has your view of the use of social media has changed? Have you ever thought about how much time do you spend on you phone a day? Are you thinking about making changes in your usage of digital platforms? What do you think about the movie, did you like it? Is there anything that you saw in it that you didn't knew about digital platforms, big data, advertising or social media? 


  1. I think it's definitely made me more aware of certain things that I do myself, and helped me understand other conducts and why people act the way we do. I'm aware I spend too much time on my phone, and I try not to, but to be honest it doesn't always work. I think social media is a way for me to connect with people I relate to, and people who share similar interests as me, because it's very hard for me to find them in real life, so I don't think I'll stop using it.

    Overall I enjoyed the movie, and although I feel some aspects were exaggerated, I think it's important to know and reflect over these things.

    -. Andrea .-

  2. This film made me realize how we are being controlled by the social media and I think it’s not ethical that the workers created a system to make us addicted to Instagram or Facebook and also I found very scary or creepy that they know all we do (we don’t have privacy) and use the technology to manipulate us. So I’m going to try to not be the product of the social media and delete the apps that make me less productive.
    Karla R. H.

  3. At first of the movie, I thought It was gonna be unreal, but, how time passed, I realized how true is all these stuff, we´re just part of an users army, being manipulated by a social media and their producers. Everything has a reason, and that annoying publicity is the one that makes social media possible to be dispersed . I was extremely concerned of this facts, so I proposed to myself to stop using unnecessary data for having a better quality time. However, I sometimes have to use social networks for doing my monotonous acts, but I'll try to do my best.
    Yoani Franco

  4. Sofia Ampudia.
    Hey, this is my second time watching the movie, and I still like it. I know some scenes seem exaggerated, but the facts mentioned are true. I quit my social media, first, because I don't need it. And second, because it is a waste of time.

    I try not to use my phone for more than 2 hours, instead, I read, play with my cousins, dance, or meditate :)

    Your mental health is vital, you are special, and not because you see everyone having a ”perfect life”, means that you must too.

  5. I think the apps we use today to comunicate with the people we want or to do any kind of activity are influenced by the money they can produce and also because we dont pay anything tu use them. Its important to reed the terms and conditions.

  6. I really liked the video, it made me realize that the social media is controllling us. Maybe we don't see it, but for example, I spend a lot of time on my phone and I hardly read or do other activities. We are the product of all the apps and advertisements that we see.
    I will try to leave the phone for a while and do productive things ;).
    -Fernanda Quintana

  7. Sometimes we just spend hours and hours of our day or sleep. I we don’t realize that it’s a waste of time.

    We might be being creating, exploring, innovating, but we are in social media 24/7 and now it practically controls us, we are being manipulated to think how they want us to. Buy what they want us to. I’ve trying to spend my time in a more productive way and it has been feeling good, I really recommend it.

    -Guadalupe Morales

  8. It’s kinda scary to see how we’re all being controlled by social media and the people behind everything, and even if people know that, they won’t stop using them because they’ve become a part of our lifestyles, which is scarier.

    I’m very aware I spend too much time on my phone, and even if I try to I can’t really help it. I’ll try to be more productive and not to be on social media as much from now on :).
    -Ximena Flores

  9. I liked the movie, because even if I knew at a certain extent how much control social media has on us, it was still shocking and alarming to see the amount that was showed in the movie.
    It's true that we spend a lot of time in social media, but I've been trying to turn it down a lot, sadly, the only method I've found useful is to not open social media at all, just as they said.
    What really stuck with me about the movie was the comment about how we can no longer call social media "a tool", and I totally agree.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  10. Soo I dont mind, yay. Well now the right answer. I dont spend that much time in my phone probably beacause my parents got me a smart phone until I turned 16, so I wasnt exposed to social media in such a young age, and a learned in 16 years how to "Survive" without my phone (it isnt that hard) anyways because I dont depende that much in my phone or social media im not very easily persuaded. Now about the peronalized adds, well yeah its scary but if You arent doing anything ilegal, i found this peronalized adds are kind off handy, they always know what I want. yey

  11. The documentary is interesting because in a way it reminds us of the uses we give to social media. It shows us how by simple likes or emoji that we share, our profiles are built, to the point of knowing the feelings or pleasures according to the searches we have made. I think nowadays it controls everyone and sometimes we don’t want to admit it.

  12. This movie/documentary shows us things that are present everyday but we don’t see them. We’ve always known that social media is important because of how it get people close, but it shouldn’t be as important as they are know where we all try to show a perfect life when we don’t have it. Instead of using so much time using our cellphones we should spend our time on important things and that’s what the film we saw is trying to show us, and it would be cool no try that
    Fer Laffitte

  13. I liked the movie, it was really interesting and its the second time I watch it but I still think that social media or phone change us in a positive and negative way, I miss when I didn't know the existence of Facebook or instagram. I was the happiest girl. I really recommend the movie and maybe I could watch it one more time to open my family's eyes. Sometimes I feel like I use my cellphone all day, and at the end my eyes hurt so Im trying to reduce the time I use it. I would like to read a book or two instead of spending my time sharing memes in Facebook.

  14. Hello there. Well I have to say that the movie was pretty interesting and original in the way of telling things. I have to admit that I was kind of shock about how the algorithms of different apps work, if you think about it your cell phone knows more about you than a real person. But I feel relax because I know how I use my cell phone and I have nothing to worry about.


  15. Hi again, I really enjoyed the way the movie show us how the social media can reach the levels of manipulation, I knew a little bit about that, because the cookies on the internet are designed to sell our information to the other webs, but one fact that really scared me was the algorithm that manipulate us. We can use the technology to help us or to harm us.

  16. Hi everyone, I liked the documentary, but it made me feel very self conscious of the I use social media, it freaked me out a little bit, because I was able to relate to some of the things that happened in the documentary and now I feel like somebody is constantly watching what I do with my phone and that is kind of scary.
    -Michelle :)

  17. I hardly use social media and I feel a little old-fashioned because I always find out about things a lot later when my friends tell me, if I use social media it's to know what's new about the movies I like or follow athlete accounts as there are some pages that have useful content.
    As Sofia said, I have always tried to have a balance in everything and my mental health is important as well as the physical and spiritual, that's why I have my well-organized time to develop in each of those areas ( I forget about homework because once I leave school I try to disconnect from everything digital).
    I think that digital platforms could be put to good use, as a way to unite or help us all, however there are other applications like tik tok that are very silly and unnecessary.
    I've always wanted to remove social media like Sofia, but it's not possible for me as it's the easiest way I communicate with my mom who's far away from me.
    Edna S(:

  18. Hey, I think that documentary that I saw was really interesting because it doesn’t talk about only on the social media they talk about of everyone con see what you are doing at the moment with some apps and that was scary
    Well I hope you are well see you soon
    Héctor Eduardo


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