What makes us human?


Soooooo, these past days we have been talking about what differences us from other animal spicies as humans, as well as the characteristics or traits that make those differences.
Art, language, our brains, music, walking upright, tools and technology. Is there anything else that you consider differences us from other animal spicies? Do you consider these inventions or discoverments? What do you think our lives would be without them?


  1. hi teacher! I think one of the main things that make us so different from animals is our ability to create. Animals tend to stick to what they know - their reality is all there is. But for us, we make things, we can imagine stuff.

    So, we create art, music, stories. We create morals, concepts of good and bad, gender, stereotypes, etc. Things that don't "naturally" exist.
    Without these things I think we would live more as animals do. In a society, yes, but certainly a much less complicated and intricate one.

    I like that we have those things, but I think we need to stop taking them so seriously because... we literally made them up! There's no natural forces binding us to them so... who really cares in the end?

    -. Andrea .-

  2. Hey! I think there is a huge variety of things that make us unique. We should be grateful about our powerful and extraordinary minds. One thing that we don't have in common with animals and different species is our special way of thinking. We tend to question life, to ask the "why" of things. To have the curiosity of wondering why certain actions happen. And this leads to discover new wonders, to connect with ourselves, to invent, to create, to imagine and live.

    I think that without this awesome tool, people wouldn't be successful, people wouldn't be creative, so, we wouldn't get to know ourselves. New ideas wouldn't be any more "ideas". I think that our thoughts, and way of thinking are even more important than we think. We should explore our minds better!
    -Yoani Franco

  3. Hi! I think there are many things that differentiate us from animals, but the ones that come to my mind right now are our ability of reasoning, our use of language and our ability to solve difficult problems. All these abilities help us to keep constantly evolving and to keep discovering new stuff, to create, to explore and to question the world.

    Without these abilities we wouldn't be any different than animals and I think that's what makes us special. I like the fact that we are able to do many stuff and we should take advantage of that to keep learning and discovering new things.
    -Ximena Flores

  4. Hey:)

    I think that what differentiates us from other animals is our brain, our brain is the principal source of knowledge, language and reasoning. With all that we can create unique things like music, paintings, electronic devices, meds and a lot of more things that makes us different from the other species. Without all this inventions and discoverments we couldn’t have all the comforts that we have nowdays, like phones, computers, meds, cars and all the stuff that make our life easier.

  5. As Karla said, I think the brain is the most mysterious and magnificent organ we have as a species and even more so humans (although sometimes we don't know how to use it). If it wasn't for our brain we wouldn't be able to develop all the activities that reading mentions like art. As I said in class our each of our lobes and hemispheres in which our brain is divided are responsible for what differentiates us from other species for example memory and language.
    I also believe that even though we have discovered and innovated numerous technologies and tools, we still have a lot to discover about our own body and to better understand how our brain works and all the diseases for which we still do not have a solution.
    Edna S(:

  6. Hello there. Well I agree with my classmates Edna and Karla, the humans' brain is what really makes us different from animals, because of all the abilities that it gives to us to do is amazing.
    I thing that the mentioned things are discoverments but humans improved them until the point of make new variaties of those things.
    It would be very weird living without them because they really help us to have an easier live.


  7. Hey folks, I find interesting the fact that a 1% difference in our genetics sets us apart from chimpanzees. Imagine how powerful and complex that ''1% difference'' must be. It is scary to think about a 30% difference!

    I consider ''ethic and moral'' to be determinants of our uniqueness. Unlike humans, there is no good or bad within species; no animal is evil or does something to harm others just because they enjoy seeing them suffer. They don't behave on principles or values, nor they have a Constitution and laws. We create concepts, labels, systems, rules, and ideas based on our culture and beliefs.

    And finally, our ability to create and build complex ideas, we just need to look around to realize that our world and reality are the result of materialized thoughts.

    Sofía Ampudia :)

  8. Hi! I think that our brain and our capacity to communicate it’s the main reason that makes us different from the other animals. Thanks to the ability we have to talk and rationalize makes getting along with everyone a little easier. Without it we would be primitive but I think that with time we would’ve done it anyway.


  9. Hi!! In my opinion there are some similarities between humans and other animals. We both eat, sleep, think and communicate in differents ways. But the things that identifies us as humans are the language, our ability to solve problems, our creativity, etc. For example when we taste in animals and we expect animals to perform in a similar way like us.
    Maybe we need to pay more attention to what animals are doing, and try to view the world through their eyes.
    - Fernanda Quintana

  10. Hi there. Our history as human and the evolution we had over millions of years has led us to the point in which we are a dominant specie in the whole planet and maybe in the galaxy.We create the things we need and remove what's in front of us, that is what makes us different from the animals and other things.

  11. Hi teacher! :)
    I think what makes us different from other species is that humans create thing that needs to adapt fast to the environment and to make things easier. I Think we are the dominated specie and that gives us more time to live... because I compare humans to rabbits, rabbits can get eaten so fast for predators. And humans.. we are the predator in this world. Unfortunately humans take advantage of their power and do bad deeds with animals :(

    I Think it’s very shocking that there are about 7000 languages in the world. 7000 ways to comunícate with different kind of people!!!
    So I considere it is invention and discoverments

    Without the others species we wouldn’t exist. Cause we need them to create the balance of the earth. We need bees 🐝, we need other animals to live because we depend of them.

  12. Hi! I think the most obvious difference between us and animals it's our mind, everything else it's just a result of that. Our hability to communicate, to create, imagine, and even assess the things that we and others do, to decide what do we think of them, all come from there.
    I also think the last point it's the most important, our hability to be self-aware, to control and comprehend many things about ourselves.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  13. Hello
    I believe that there are many things that makes us special as the human race and I'd like to say special and not better because we are not better that any other species, I think that the way in which we are capable of develop is amazing, the bonds that we create with other human is beautiful and without it we wouldn't be humans, because we have this need to interact with others we need to feel and love and even feel pain
    I just think that our lives are pretty awesome

  14. Hi
    We are human because we are always learning and we have curiosity to learn new things, and one of the most important sources to learn its another human, thanks to this we evolved at the same time and we created cultures with people who shares similar ideas, not the same but similar, and that’s the importance of the culture, because we feed back and we learn together.

  15. hi teacher, i think we are humans because we know or we are concious that we are, also that we have so many languages and ways to express what we feel, I think our inventions are the improvement of something else, our lives would be so much harder if we wouldn´t have inventions

  16. hi teacher, I think that we are living creatures like animal or plants but obviously with different capacities like thinking or talking, we can express our ideas and what we feel. about our inventions I consider that we are really smart but sometimes we don't use that to do good things, we damage our environment , our planet and we don't appreciate others life so we aren't THAT SMARTTTT

  17. theres a reason why humans are on top of the food chain, we as humans simply have a bigger understanding and because of this big brain of ours we were capable of become what we are now, but we simply take our "greatness" for granted, we are the main destructors of the plante, so whats the point of being so inteligent if we are killing the world and us, i think we are the dumbest animal there is
    Arriba las chivas

  18. I think that the main things that makes us different from animals, therefore make us uniques, is reasoning and love. Those two things are the things that I consider the most important of why we are different from other species, even though, as a personal thought, we’re animals too.


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