The Danger of a Single Story

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

What did you think about the the message from the talk, do you relate to any of the anecdotes?
 Have you ever had a single story about something?    

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  1. The message that this novelist shared was really dazzling because, first I never imagined that Nigeria’s official language was English. I never got to really research anything about this country. Now I realize how closed we are to other ideas, and knowledge, because we have only believed and learned what we have seen in social media. This has certainly created stereotypes, we know that every coin has two sides, but in some cases we have only been able to see one. The single story I remember the most is about Japan some years ago. I only knew that it was a first world Asian country, I idealized it so much somehow, that now when I research more about it, my point of view is really different from what it used to be. A single story is dangerous, it doesn’t let you explore deeper into a whole new world.

  2. I loved the talk, and everything she had to say. I believe it's extremely important to have representation in the media; growing up I experienced first hand what it was like to never see anyone like me on TV or books. It was the classic struggle of playing pretend at 6 years old and struggling because none of the princesses look like you, or not believing I could love anybody but a man because I'd never seen anything different.
    It's important that we can all see ourselves be represented. A quote I like is this, "A child cannot become what they're not shown."

    I've definitely fallen into a single story many times, where I create preconceptions in my head about people or a place. But it's communication and education that have helped me in those situations. Whenever I catch myself falling into that, I remind myself there's more than one side of the story, and that I cannot decide who someone is - they must show me that themselves.


  3. I adore the way she expressed herself, it was a really interesting talk, the truth was I felt identified with what she was telling, I remember that as a child, those in my classroom constantly made fun of those with a complexion different from theirs, calling them " Indians "and for a few years, I thought I was an" Indian "because they made me think that I was. As time went by, a teacher listened to them and corrected them, explaining to us who the Indians really were, changing the idea that I had, I think that all of us have ever had a single story, and that we have fallen into standards thinking that only that exists.

  4. Well I really enjoyed the video, I felt related to it because sometimes I prejudge before knowing how they are and if their personality is cool or if I like to spend time with. I really think that when you are with people you have never seen in ur life, you should get to know them before saying or thinking about how they are principally if you haven't seen them as who they really am.
    So the video thought me to before gossiping or something you should interact and being aware of the personality or way of behavior ;is a good advice for making lots of friends and for understanding their reaction or opinion. everyone is differente and is a good thing .

  5. I really aprecciate everything that she mentioned during her talk, I found that I could relate to some of her experiences and it also made me question how many "single stories" did I have of other things.
    I think it's quite interesting how even if we sometimes are "the single stories" and most of the time are also concious of that, we can still do it to other people and not even realize it. It's a very dangerous thing beacause whether we like it or not is stereotypes and "single stories" like the ones she mentioned what many times gets people killed or discriminated. I really love that she decided to talk about this.
    -Fer Mejía

  6. She is right! We live in a society where every person is judged by their cover. The bad thing about having a single story is that everyone just see you like that, if you are Mexican (you are an immigrant), if you are African (you are poor) and if you are French (you don't take a bath). It's sad how we as humans don't feel equal. We think that people from other countries are to different from us, but that's not the reality, we are similar.
    The stereotypes are not bad, they are incomplete and can affect the way we see the world. Honestly I think, I need some international literature to know more about cultures and not see only the bad things about every country.
    -Fernanda Quintana :)

  7. I loved her speech, her strength and bravery to stand up and debunk stereotypes. I think ignorance, close minds, ego, privileges and selfish power contribute to the construction of the single story. If we would all take a moment to reflect on everything we see and hear, and think of them critically and objectively, we would understand that all stories change depending on the perspective they are told; no version is thoroughly complete, since they are part of reality, but not the truth itself.

    I have caught myself buying the single story of many people, places, experiences and cultures, without even questioning their arguments, purposes and veracity. By doing so, not only I was condemning them to become what I've been showed, but also, depriving myself to grow.

    -Sofía Ampudia

  8. Hii, I really don't like ted talks or conferences cause I get bored easily but this time it was different, Her story and all she said about the society we live in and the stereotypes like if you are Mexican, you are poor and you want to steal something , if you are black, you are going to sell drugs or kill someone, this kind of things made me stay to hear all she said, I think she is an intelligent woman who wants to change something, she raised her voice for all the people in her situation that cannot. We have grown up with a lot of stereotypes as Mexican so we can understand her in a particular way. we should be careful with our words and the way we express what we think cause sometimes a single story can change everything but a single word too.

  9. This speech shows how the media has a huge impact around the world because they create stereotypes about other countries and the people who live there. The girl talks about the importance to see all the aspects of the life and how was her experience in different countries.

  10. Hello, I am going to tell my opinion about the video :D
    Her speech, I enjoyed it a lot! And I have to say that she is right in everything. Nowdays we live in a society full of stereotypes, an example that she gave to us is that Africa for us is a really poor country full of sickness and death, we just talk bad about others without knowing how they really are, and honestly I have done that times before, but I changed and I think that is important that the other ones change too, because, when are we going to respect to eachother?? Yeah, you just talk bad but how do you feel when someone does the same to you? That´s not nice, I also liked how she expressed herself, she was very brave and acepted that not all things are bad, Mexico for example, she said that she hearded lots of bad histories of us but when she discovered what was going on by herself she changed her opinion, this speech is full of kindnees and leave us lots of cuestions, I think we should be like her, nice people :)

    - Ale De León

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Chimamanda believes that stories matter, but that all too often in our lives we operate from the perspective of hearing and knowing a single story — about a person or a situation. And that we operate from the perspective of the single story unconsciously. The risk of the single story, the one perspective, is that it can lead us to default assumptions, conclusions and decisions that may be incomplete, and may lead to misunderstanding.

    As she says, single stories can have a negative impact. They can rob people of their dignity, and emphasize how we are different rather than how we are similar. At its core, this talk encourages us to recognize how much stories matter. And that by giving space to hear a multitude of stories we can help to empower and humanize others.

    I've been caught up in situations where I've fallen into the idea of a single story, and this talk reminded me of the importance of openness to others’ lived experiences. We cannot judge something we know so little about, there's so many sides to a single story and we must be aware of that and be open to learn about those sides.
    - Ximena

  13. It is a talk that reflects well the fact that we all let ourselves be carried away by the first impression of things or people, leso that is not the true one. I did not understand the message very well the first time I saw it but the second time I was able to do it.

  14. After watching this worshipful video . I confirmed again, that World is surrounded by perspectives. We all are composed of them. Why does everyone has their own way to see life? Because of perspectives. Her ability yo speak, to go beyond words; making noise in every heart of the room.

    I declare myself guilty for having just 1 way to perceive some situations, some people. I have ignored all the estereotypes, prejudges, wrong thoughts that happen when we only know one part of the story. When we ignore the fact that for understanding situations, we must see diferent points of view, we should be informed of what's happening around the World, and how our perspectives get involved . After listening this wonderful woman, I realize we should get to know diferent stories around the World, before critizing them. We should all get involved with reality, with the magnificent truth. Let's think more, and judge less! ;)
    -Yoani Franco

  15. It is very important to never judge countries and nationalities. I think that we will never know the whole story about something, even in our country we judge people for the simple fact of listening gossips about them. We have to remember that most of the things we listen in the news are true, and that's alright but what it's not alright is to think there's nothing more than that.
    I believe that everything that she says in the video is true and disappointing, we are failing as a society for not realizing the wonders of other cultures, for keeping only the negative aspects of the people and most of all, for not having the complete story
    Pedro Garcia

  16. Hi Teacher, I think since we heard her talking we have to pay more attention of single stories, we should just stay with one version of a story, nowadays fake news are always in social media, about every country, and also in our country, what she said in the video it’s true, must of us since we were little kids had the idea that Africa were only poor people, I remember when I didn’t want to eat my grandma used to told me that she had a ticket to Africa if I didn’t finish my food, and that’s why I grew thinking that no one in Africa have food, and now I feel guilty for falling into a single story.


  17. Vale Scr
    I really enjoy this conference because it made me realize about the stereotypes are involved in society situations .Every single person , has established that every culture is judge because is different to the others . The innovations and new achievements in all of countries is a common example in how we can be better instead of judging before knowing.
    Everyone has a different story to talk and share about .
    This conference taught me about that everyone is different and has ideas to contribute in the world so we have to listen them and put them on practice.
    Making big changes to the community and giving the best ideas for involving in the new cover of the world.


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