Spelling Bee Contest

Hey! Good morning children, I'm sorry I rushed to saying goodbye this morning. I hope you can forgive me, I'm driving crazyyyyy. But anyways, this is the ontry where you will post your ideas about the spelling bee contest. Remember you must think of a new name, logo, what will be the dinamic of the contest and how you will choose the winner! 

Oh, and at the end you can metion who would you like to be on your work team. 

Have a nice weekend, relax. You deserve it! 



  1. hi, i think that it would be great to call this activity like "The bee program", a blue bee , and the dinamic would be to spell random words anf i you cant pronounce it ,the other person will have the chance to do it right, and the one who gets more points wins.

  2. hey! so, I was thinking we could do it trivia-like. we could prepare a set of fun questions with multiple options for the answers. the contestants would have to think about it, and then spell out what they think is the correct answer. they get a point if they spell it right, and another point if they answered correctly. in the end, whoever has more points wins.

    as for my team I'd be happy to work with Michelle, Fernanda and/or Monse. that's all!

    -. Andrea .-

  3. Hi, so while I was reading the rest of the comments, I totally agree with Andrea´s one. I mean, it would be irresistibly original, I think that it would be a great way to have fun while learning, and if you lose, then at least you had fun!, or, we just could give students some variety of words, or phrases from some movies, and they would have to spell it, if anybody is wrong, well, the person could dance "la pelusa" just for get a nice atmosphere, and to not cause them sadness. Well, we could name this activity as "un*bee*lievable contest", and a bee probably flying with a lot of colors. Idk, I think that the winner would be the last guy and the one who spelled all the words correctly .
    I would like to work with Sofía, Lupita, Ximena, and anybody it's fine too.
    Yoani Franco :)

  4. Hiii! I made this I think it's a good idea we might mix it whit the other ones and it will be better.


  5. Well I have not thinked about what I want to do because I was waiting to be asigned in teams first but whatever, I was inclined more to the idea of training my younger classmates giving them tips and tricks that helped me when I used to participate in spelling bees, also I have some logo desings in my mind, for my team I would like to be with ASAEL, and Fernando lafitte

  6. Hello
    My idea is to switch things up a little bit and start by a team phase where we can use Kahoot to create a trivia about random things, when the question pops the team who answers first will get the chance to spell a word and earn a point if they get it right, once one team loses we can move to an individual round where the remaining team will play to finally get a winner
    Michelle :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. um hi, mi idea is to make like a memory game and to called it "spelling memory game" and to have a logo like this: https://coloquetza-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/frida28_oquetza_educamos_com/EUIjrUbRlG5KgDyjIUqX-RcBt7G0H79w7LlGck_nrEaZiQ?e=Dlr3b0
    Ok my idea is to have memory cards where the teams have to pronounce and spell the name of the draw of the card, if they pronounce and spell the word well it is a point.
    I would like to work with Andy and Sofi jijiji
    - Monse

  9. My purpose for the spelling be contest is first of all making a diagnosis of their knowledge of the letters, from that point we can procede starting from small words to big ones in a fast but correct way. I’d like to work with Asael and José Manuel

  10. Hi teacher, I think we could enjoy the activity if we make it easier , I haven't think about the logo but maybe the new name could be "the big bees" its adorable. We should participate in the list order to be prepare. we can select 3 winners and Id like to work with max or Scarlett:)

    -maya Montaño

  11. Hmmm I don't really know, I had a few ideas but they involve to be together and we're in online classes... Maybe we could do something like a mimic game? Like, you have to act a movie or a show, (or something else if they wanted to) and the one's on your team have to spell the answer, the one who has more points at the end wins (It could also be "individual" and everyone participates in everyone's turn to mimic, instead of only your team answering)
    I was reading the other comments and I really like the idea of the trivia, it's so cool!!
    -Fernanda Mejía

  12. I was thinking in teach our classmates with some games or activities to keep them paying attention, I was looking for some games, but I didn’t find anything good, so I like the idea about the trivia. Because I know that maybe with middle school it will be harder than elementary. And about the contest we could start it with the easy words and then the difficulty will increase. The winner will be the person that has gone further.
    I would like to work with Xime or Lupita.
    -Fernanda Quintana

  13. I agree with the trivia(like a kahoot) idea, instead of doing something like the original spelling bee we should do something like that so it makes it more entertaining and less boring, and it can even work for them to practice. I'm sure the words are going to be a bit difficult so maybe they can start from easy to normal to hard words. The winner is the one who gets the most words right.
    I would like to work with Fer Quintana and Yoani.
    - Ximena

  14. Sofia Ampudia
    Hey guys, first I would like to have a talk with the kids to identify their vocabulary and the words they know and use.

    I would name it “spell me”, “spell spell baby” or a funny name. It would have a cool bee, with sunglasses, chains and a hat.

    I was thinking it could be a mix of many mini games. - rounds with questions and the first team to complete them

  15. Wins a point. Every team accumulates points. Then we could ask them or use a platform (kahoot) and they would have to spell the answer.

    I want it to be fun and not to be scary. We could mix/ use the ideas you want.

  16. hiii, I liked the idea of making it like a trivia, it would make it more interesting and funnier, the onde that answers faster, spelling right the answer wins, the name could ve "spelling race" or something fun.

  17. Hello there, well I think that the fact that we are working with junior high school students it's a little hard because they don't get that interested easily with some stuff. But I agree with most of my classmates that a trivia game is a good idea because they can be focus. The name can be something like Spell it and Beat it, I dunno. And I'm comfortable working with my classmates of the same grade, Fer, Scarlett, Jose, Edna, Karla, Max, Michelle, so we'll see.


  18. I hate stress, so I would hate to have to cause stress to someone younger than me, the best option for me would be no having a spelling contest and less in a virtual way but if there is no other option, I also agree with my classmates to make a trivia and still have in my team those of my grade.
    The logo could be a bee crying from stress.
    Edna S(:

  19. Hey so I agree with Edna and Michelle’s idea. I think a trivia is less boring for them, than just in order of list. We can make it in kahoot!
    And I would like to be with Asa or maya

  20. Also we can divide them by teams and it would be more fun!

  21. I totally agree with edna, I hate the stress that school causes us, and competitions stress me out, so it could be just a fun activity like a trivia, and I would like to be with Edna, Max or Asa:)

  22. I'm agree with Edna's idea, we could just have a fun time and be happy, I would like to work with Edna and Karla.


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