Debate 101's

Hey guys!

So nice to greet you over here again! For the new one's, welcome to your blog, here we discuss class stuff, movies, etc, etc. This time I'd love to hear about your experience on friday's activity. Did you like it? How did you felt during the discussion? Do you like this kind of activities? Is there anything that you would like to do in class? Leave yor comments!



  1. Fernando Laffitte:
    I really enjoyed our activity because exchanging ideas and defending what I think it’s entertaining as well as challenging. I hope we do this again soon because it’s an interesting way where we al comment and participate

  2. I liked the fact that our NEW classmates and the ones coming from Middle school, participantes a lot. I didnt like the formay, the "debate" especially the fact that we only had one day to prepare, so I would like more speaking activities, but no more debates.

  3. I liked the activity because we were able to speak and listen about the different opinions of the subject but I prefer to have normal speaking activities .

  4. Hey, as I said in the clases I really like those kind of activities, especially because I get to know my classmates better in diffirent ways. So I'd like to have more speaking activities for the classes, I think Fridays are good days to make them.

  5. Hi teacher!, I did like the activity, and I felt a little nervous during the discussion. But these kind of activities are cool and I would like to do more like this activities in teams. Obviously if we were at school, everything would be better because I would get to know my new classmates.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Heyy, I liked the activity because I got to know some of my classmates and they made me feel comfortable. At first I was nervous and I didn’t want to make any mistakes, but then I realized that's what learning a new language is all about, (making mistakes). I hope we can do this kind of activities more often
    -Sofia Ampudia

  8. I really liked the activity. We could exchange ideas and points of view. It was a very good opportunity to know my partners a little more. I wish we could do some more activities like this one.

  9. I liked the fact of deffending a point of view, however, I wasn't prepared enough as I would have liked it. I hope to do more speaking activities with my classmates ang get to know each other. But...I wouldn't like to have another debate, thanks...
    Yoani Franco

  10. Hi!, I really like those activities because you can exprese and have a good discussion with your classmates. I was really nervous, that's the cause why i didn't participate to much, but I promise that in the next activity I will support more to my team. ;)
    - Fernanda Quintana

  11. Hello teacher! Well, I like those types of activities, because they're very interactive, and it allows us to talk and relate ourselves with the rest of our classmates :) that being said, I don't know if a debate is my cup of tea because I tend to get a little intense, and I think it can cause some tension between us, hahaha. So yeah, maybe no more debates ? or maybe about something not so serious, like whether pineapple belongs on pizza, or the cereal goes before the milk. Anyway, I'm making this too long. To sum it up: I like interactive activities, and I look forward to what we will do in the future :)

    -. Andie .-

  12. Hi, ok i really love this activity because we exchange ideas and we also know more our classmates but NO more debates please ;), during all the discussion only I felt like laughing because i hate to discuss, Maybe you can do more speaking activities with out discussions ;3?
    ~Monse :b

  13. Hi I liked this activity because we had to be prepared with some things that we wanted to say, we shared our toughts with the others and we listened what other thinks, I felt nervous bc I haven't practiced mi english in a while :)

  14. Hi! I really liked the activity, it was interesting and I had fun, even though I don't exactly like debates at all when it's not a subject I know a lot about and that's why I didn't participate much, I enjoyed it because it made me think of a way my team could win even when I believed the other team was right. Also, it was something that made me get to know my classmates better, so I'm happy about that :)
    -Fernanda Mejía

  15. Hi! As I've mentioned in class I'm not really a "debate" kind of person even though I do like hearing people's points of view, I like these kind of activities just not debates haha. I hope next time we do speaking activities I get to participate a bit more :)
    -Ximena Flores

  16. Well , as I said in the morning I don´t like any kind of discussion so I can say I didn´t like this activity too much, of course I would be agree with another type of activities ,but no more with discussions or something like that.
    -Max D. M.

  17. Hi, I liked the activity because everyone had the opportunity to express what they think, I would like to participate more but I think im afraid
    -Maya Cristina Montaño Torres

  18. I liked the activity so much, i am a huge fan of debates, and I think it was a great opportunity to interact with everyone even though I think debates always get very intense I enjoyed it a lot

  19. I really don't know if I like debates, I think I only like them if I don’t participate. But actually I enjoyed this one, even though I almost didn’t talk, but I think that with the time I will be more open and talk more, I just need some time.
    Karla Rodríguez

  20. At first I did not want to participate in a debate because I did not feel prepared, when I began to investigate I realized that there were more arguments in favor of the other position. Still, I think I did well because standing up for what I think is something I like to do since I was little when I won public speaking contests. Now I am more lazy and painful but the debate was better than I expected. I don't want to do an activity like this again because I hate feeling nervous. I'd like to make games where I don't have to talk.
    Edna S(:


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