
 Hey! It's been a while since we have discussed class stuff over here. This week's topic is Evolution, as you know there's many mistaken ideas of what is evolution itself and that's exactly why I'd love to hear your thoughts bout this as well as the TED we watched today. 

Nice to read you! 


Video aveliable here


  1. Hello there, well for the most part I stand with my ideas, especially with the one of the mental evolution of the humans because as I said all the factors that society gives us day to day, influence on the way that we can think about something. But I have to admit tha I didn't know that most of the animals came from the evolution of primitive fishes. That's pretty curious.


  2. Hi I liked this topic because even though we learned at school that song Siri say we become from is a monkey I never got to think about fishes even so I saw it in the minions movie and I just ignored it, so it’s good to know that there are more points of view that really make sense, I also loved the app TED, it’s really interesting, thanks teacher!

  3. Hi! I'm really impressed about the video, I had never thought that we came from the fish. Many people believe that our ancestors are the monkeys. I like the video and how the biologist explained us all about evolution. So we still have a lot of learning to do and find out more of our ancestors.
    -Fernanda Quintana :)

  4. Hello, i think that evolution is a response of the nature itself due to the neccesity to adapt to new circustances in the environment and it happens over millions of years.

  5. Hi:) I think this topic is important to understand our existence, we learn at school all the theories about the origin of life in earth, so I kinda knew that the bacteria evolved and generated all the species that nowdays we know, including us. I like TED talks I find them interesting and interactive.

  6. Hi, during the video I was still processing the fact that we don't ask a Lot about our existence. I think, that as the rest of My classmates, I thought that we used to be monkeys before, I was really amazed by the fact that we were fishes. I think I wasn't curious enough about this topic, so, I Guess that's why I didn't question about our evolution. But, yeah, I mean, why monkeys didn't change a Lot?, Why do they never stopped being monkeys? I guess that there are a Lot of possiblilities, and we don't Even know them. So, I think that while we still try to figure it out even more stuff about our evolution, we could wonder too who are we?

    I think life was Made for living and trying to answer questions, that's the point of life.
    Yoani Franco ;)

  7. Sofía Ampudia
    Hello there, I liked this week's topic because we shared our ideas, thoughts and beliefs. This is really interesting and I'm quite offended because they taught us wrong. We are not evolved monkeys, ¡we are futuristic fish! Who could have imagined it huh?

    After the TED talk I was very confused, excited and curious. It was a good incentive, because now I want to do my own research and get my conclusions.


  8. Hello! I always thought the Darwinism was the theory that made the most sense since everyone said we came from monkeys but the fish theory is really interesting too. I liked how the biologist explained the topic; there are probably more theories and more stuff to discover, it would be great to know more about the evolution of humans :)
    - Ximena

  9. I think evolution its directly linked with the mutation which has been the key for the evolution itsfelf, has allowed us to be just another organism to be the most dominant species on the planet.

  10. hey! the topic of evolution is very interesting to me, specially that of animals since it has to do with what I want to study. I've been interested in it for a while, and have done my own research. it's very interesting and helpful to understand why the anatomy of animals is a certain way, as well as behaviour. everything came from the sea, which is crazy to believe, and birds are the closest thing to a dinosaur! anyway, i get excited about it, I really like it, and I would like to see more stuff related to it, like the TED talk we saw :)

    -. Andrea .-

  11. I’ve never thought that humans evolved from fish 🥴 it’s kinda weird I think... but it makes sense. There are lots of theories
    about evolution and it’s really interesting what scientists have said of it.
    Ted said that humans evolved form fish, then the fish came to land and gave rise to mammals and reptiles. (Monkeys) then we evolved from them
    now I'm more satisfied with knowing where we come from :)
    Scarlett :)

  12. Hi! As everyone else said, I didn´t know we evolved form fish, it´s weird to find out now. I liked the Ted talk, and now I´m really curious about whether the other things I "know" about the theories of evolution are correct, so I´ll probably be doing a little reaserch myself. I´m not really passionate about this subject or dying to know everything, but that fact really spiked my interest a little bit, so that´s great :D.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  13. Evolution what an interestingi topic I love it, well I kind of knew that we evolved from water organisms it makes since life originated in the deeps, but its cool to see diferent point of view than what we are used to, soo thats cool I guess, also this TED talk was interesting and not that boring, yey, see ya

  14. In biology class we learned about the different theories of the origin of life as Karla said. The primitive Earth theory of Oparin-Haldane to be specific, is one of my favorite theories as it involved several chemical reactions to make the first individual a bacteria from the abiotic factors of the Earth.
    I think it is clear that Biology and Chemistry are my favorite subjects.
    The video was very easy to understand and to introduce this theory that has a whole biochemical analysis behind it.
    We saw these theories in junior high school and we took them up again in high school, I don't know how my classmates don't remember it!
    And about evolution in humans, I think we still have too much to evolve, starting with mental evolution, there are still many people who are very underdeveloped, sorry.
    When I see a fully compassionate, empathetic human who doesn't go by what the majority says, I will be able to say otherwise. But hey, congratulations human society for evolving over the years in technology!

    Edna S(:

  15. Hello
    I am a huge fan of TED talks, this one was very interesting, they were many things I did not knew, for example I had no idea we came from fish, that blew my mind. Now that I think about it it all makes sense and I find it more real than the theory that is always teached in school
    My thoughts about evolution are still unclear but it is fine, I don´t think we will ever get a real answer.

  16. Hi teacher
    I think that talking about evolution isn't easy, I mean its a lot of information, a lot of beliefs and evidence. But at the end everyone believe what they want to. The ted talk was interesting, im not used to watch them but this one was different and made me feel like I needed to know more and more, we should have more topics and ted talks like this week.

  17. Hiii, I liked the topic of this week, it was interesting but I think it's hard to talk about it bc we don't have certain information but everyone decides what to believe in.


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