Kamala Harris' speech


So, the video is avaliable here in case you wanna re watch it.
Aside from that, I loved to hear your opinions about this at class, sadly I couldn't listen to all of you, so I might as well read you!


  1. As some of my classmates said, well, even though it's not my country, I feel happy about them, besides of the fact that almost all of USA decisions affect or benefit Mexico, I think that I would kill myself if Trump have had been winner again, as I'm concerned, this was a right decision from all people, I noticed that almost all of famous people posted happy comments and videos about the new President and Vice president. I'm really touched about Harris Speech, I might think she's a very human person, and next generations will be in awe of her courage and humanity, as many people are already in awe of their pleasant choice.
    Yoani Franco :)

  2. I really liked her speech and I think it was very realistic and touching. and I can see that she has an interest in improve the country, it’s really cool that a woman is now in a high place in the politic.

  3. Biden and Harris have been declared the winners by the media, not by the law, so anything that they say during these days its just show.

  4. I loved her speech. It wasn’t like others I’ve heard. She showed that she really wants to change the country for good, and that she has the knowledge to talk and inform the population about all the social, political, and economic problems that the USA has.

  5. As I said in the class, her speech moved me a lot, and it made me very happy to know that they have a bright future ahead. Even though that's not my country, I care about these people, because they have many things in common with me. It's not just their rights, but mine as well. It's good to finally see a woman in a position of power like that, and hopefully in the future they'd even get a female president. I think this will be good for the US, and I'm looking forward to see what changes they make. Beautiful speech and admirable woman overall.

    -. Andie ._

  6. I really liked her speech, I feel like it’s really empowering. As the first woman in the Vice President position and as the child of two immigrants, she is an inspiration for many people, an example of what is possible in America. Both Biden and her have shown they’re aiming for change and I’m looking forward to what kind of things they will do to make the USA a better place.

  7. I like Kamala`s speech because speaks about a lot of social problematics that had happened. It's interesting how she expressed about women rights, because she said that doesn`t matter if they are latinas, black, white, asian, etc. and that`s what US has wanted for a long time. So I really think that she cares about the people and maybe Jo Biden is going to do a change.
    -Fernanda Quintana

  8. Hello there. Well it was a pretty good speech to people that needs hope or motivation to make great things no matter gender, preferences, etc. But I also agree with a classmate that future will talk when we see if she makes a good job or not.


  9. She seems to be a very nice woman who genuinely wants the best for her country, and thats a character trait, that any person in a political position should have

  10. I think the speech was geniune because you could see it was coming from personal experiences. She is someone who has struggled and is finally now in a position of power, and I think that's what a lot of people want. Someone who has faced the same challenges as them to listen, to make their voices louder instead of silence them. I believe she being vice-president is a big step.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  11. The video touched me. Her achievement means, not only becoming the first woman to be vice-president of the US, but the progress of our society. She is a symbol and a role model. Little by little we are opening our minds and also, we are changing the way we see the world. The way we run a country and the way we are educated. This is a big step to build the future I want.

    Lets hope she keeps her word and the promises of her speech :)

  12. When I saw the video of the speech I started feeling motivated and proud of a woman that I don even know, I think she has a strong personality and she a model, She makes girls feel powerful and like they could do anything in the world. She's doing a great job with the society
    Maya :)

  13. She’s the first woman in the US that recibes the title of vicepresident, that’s a big deal and her speech was at the height of her title. She seems to want the best for her country and that’s great!
    Fernando Laffitte

  14. I have so many feelings about everything that is going on in the world right now, and that also includes the politic situation of the United States, I think that USA having their first women vice president is such a big step as society, I hope this brings a little bit of awareness about the important and feminism around the world, I. really like her speech and I hope she would be an amazing vice president

  15. I think that she as the first viceprecident woman in the USA, has a lot responsability . One thing I´m concerned its that everything is changing and I hope this change would be good.

  16. I loved her speech, she used very emotional words, and I really hope that she keeps to her word and improves the situation in the United States. But she looks like she really cares about making the change, so I like her:)
    -karly R. H

  17. I pretty liked her speech, she was confident while talking, and she looked happy, hope her words are true and not just promises:)

  18. Hey, I like so much her speech, I think she and biden will apport very good things and she looked happy, I hope she will do a good job.

  19. I like that a woman is in a good position within the government of the country, I have nothing against men I love them equally, it's just that someday I would like to be an important woman and Kamala is a good example to follow and a motivation to believe that goals and dreams can be achieved
    Edna S(:


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