COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough


So, last Friday we were talking about vaccines and more specifically the COVID-19 vaccine. What do you think about it? Who do think should have the very first acces to it? Would you get it? 


  1. Hello :)
    Talking about the covid vaccine I think it is a complicated topic, a lot of people has different point of view and that is okay, I personally think that we should get the vaccine, I wont lie saying that i'm not scared of it, because I am but otherwise I will still being scared but without the vaccine. Now talking about who should get it first I deeply believe that the president and their staff should get it first, because if anything goes wrong they will suffer the consequences

  2. hi! well, as I said on Friday I think the first people to get it should be doctors and people on the medical field, since they're the ones exposed to the virus. Essential workers in general should be the first. I think it's about time we have a vaccine because this damn virus has lasted far too long and I miss being able to go anywhere we want and see whoever we want.

    I would definitely get the vaccine, because my mom is a person that is at risk for the virus, and I want her to be safe.


  3. Hello there. Well as I said in the class a few time ago I believe that doctors are the most essential persons to have the vaccine first because they are the only persons that actually can do something to face Covid. I think there is gonna be a few time until an actual working vaccine comes to the world but of course I would get it because my life can be on risk.


  4. Hi! I said that the medical staff should be the first ones to get it. But it’d be a risk for their health because if the vaccine has secondary effects it might just hurt them, and we wouldn’t have doctors or nurses anymore. So it’d be better to wait a little more.


  5. Hey:)
    I hope that the vaccine will soon arrive to Mexico so that we can return to normality. I don't want to star college online. I believe that there is always a risk that the vaccine will affect us, but I really hope that all the tests will be done before they are put to the population.
    Karla Rodríguez Hernández

  6. Hi! I think that the doctors have to have the vaccine first, because they are working with the people infected and they are the reason why some people still alive. Maybe I would get it when it has already been tested and I would be sure that nothing would happen to me, but yeah I would get it.
    -Fernanda Quintana

  7. Hi, I think the COVID vaccine will change many things. I think the first group that have to take it are doctors and people over 60. I definitely would take it because that way me and my family would make our life like before. I think that it’s great news the vaccine is coming, I’m excited
    Fernando Laffitte

  8. I was never expecting to get the vaccine fast, lets be rrallistic its gonna take solé time for the entire population to get the vaccine, months even I think the most posible outcome would be another good 5 months in home, I bit pesemistic but hey, that is life, anyways... Merry Christmas lol

  9. Hi :)
    I believe that the first who should have this vaccine are the doctors and those people whose job is to be in contact with unknown people. And I feel like it's going to take a long time for everyone to have it :( but I just want to end this and continue as before

  10. I believe that the people who should get the vaccine are doctors and medical staff in general so they can take proper care of the sick without being at a higher risk. It's really impressive that they made the vaccine so fast. I'm a little bit wary about the consecuences that it could have in a future because of that reason too, but I guess having it in the first place it's a big step :D.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  11. Sofía Ampudia
    Hey, I have never been interested in medicine until last week. I think it is amazing how much we have evolved to the point where we can create immunity to certain diseases and viruses.

    If I could decide what part of the population should receive the vaccine first, I would say the doctors and hospital workers. Because their work is to keep us safe, therefore, they must be clean of any virus.

    And the last question, yes, I would get the vaccine (if it is safe enough) otherwise, I would wait and stay home.

  12. I think that the first persons to receive the vaccine should be the doctors because they are the first líne of defense in this pandemic.

  13. Hiiii
    I think that vaccine is something we have been waiting a long time ago and we are excited to use it, Maybe our grandparents and doctors will have the vaccine first . Would like to have it buttttt I wouldn't let someone get me the vaccine if it isn't safe , I would prefer stop going outside or accept that one day I need to die hahaha

  14. I think the vaccine is something essential so we can go back to how things used to be and I hope it’ll arrive here as soon as possible. As i’ve said on Friday, I think doctors and hospital workers should get the vaccine first because they’re the ones who are exposed to the virus the most. I would get the vaccine if it was safe enough and I knew nothing would happen to me, but until then I will be staying at home and keep taking care of myself.
    - Ximena

  15. Well well, so, this is such an amazing new notice to all the World. I would be endlessly grateful if the new vaccine worked. I would've never imagined that a cure to this virus would be early exposed. I totally agree that doctors and nurses would be the first people of having the vaccine because of their risk to be exposed at this disease. But people whose work is being on the Street, should be able to have the vaccine too. If everything goes well, I would be glad to have access to the vaccine. I miss how life was before, so, if it's safe enough, I would totally accept the vaccine.
    -Yoani Franco :)

  16. I think it coul be the best new of this year, because we could return to our normal life, as soon as posible, the bad fact its that not everyone will be able to have that vaccine, i think the first governments that may receive the vaccine early ,could be like Chine (of course), USA, Canada, France, England and maybe Japan, but thats just my suggestion, and of course i will get one of those , even if there are a posibly risk on it.


  17. I would like to have the vaccine so I can return to my old recreational activities, but I don't want to go back to school until I go to college. I don't really care about spending time at home because that's the way it's always been and I enjoy it but I do want the people I love to be protected and I hope to see my parents again regularly as before.
    Before we put it on I would like it to be checked that it is safe because if it is not we may become in ZOMBIEEES!!!
    Edna S :p

  18. Hiii! I would like to have the vaccine because im to bored at home and I want to return to regular activities, I think medical workers should be the first ones to have it because they are so exposed yo the virus, and then my granparents, because Idk what would I do with out them, I would wait to have it until my turn :)

  19. Hello teacher, I read before about this vaccine and I think si really interesting because with the vaccine, absolutely all is gonna be more fast and we will have our normal live, here in Mexico are some vaccines in the states of the country, well I hope this can en fastly and I hope we will return to our normal life.
    Héctor Eduardo


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