What kind of person are you?


So you worked with some of your classmates asking each othe a couple of questions related to your personality and other aspects of yourself?

How do you think this has benefit you? Do you think these kind of activities make you closer to your classmates? Do you think is important to get along with your classmates for the class dynamics? How do you think this relates to team work? Do you think the absence of online cameras has affected the dynamics of the class i any way?

And, finally! Do you have anu suggestions regarding activities, topics to disscuss, abilities to practice for the class?



  1. heyyy!
    Speaking about the first point I think that this type of activity helps us to get to know each other, since we are not in person to interact with our classmates, second point I consider that it is not very important for the dynamics (probably only for those who are more personal), third point I think is related to teamwork since you have to know how to get along and treat your equip; Fourth point in my opinion, just listening to my classmates speak is enough even if I don't see them. Lastly, I think it would be good to talk about mysteries.

  2. Hey! I have enjoyed this activity. By this way, I could know my classmate just a little bit more, She's such a charming human being! I think it's nice to do these kind of exercises, for getting to know a little parte from each other. This is awesome for everyone, because we can know our classmates. Even though is not a perfect way to do it because of the pandemic, maybe, we could even find come similar interests between us. And, I consider it important for getting involved in a team work, or classwork. Then, you will have an idea from how each person is, and you can have a better work distribution. For example, work can be divided depending of what your teammates are good doing; drawing, speaking in front of people, elaborating the presentation . Abilities could ve exploted.
    I think that not turning on our cameras could be a problem when the teacher is speaking, or when we want to talk to each other, because, we can't see our face expressions, and maybe this could lead a lonely class. I think we all should try to put all our effort in the class :).

    Yoani Franco

  3. Heeeey! This activity has helped me to change my point of view about meeting new people, I also think that these kind of activities help us to make the team work a little more comfortable because when we are divided by ruins the environment feels kind of weird and awkward so this has helped us to know I love me more about each other and when we get to work together again I hope we get along a little bit better, about the cameras I really think this has changed complements a lot because you don’t get to see other peoples faces so it might be kind of uncomfortable because you’re you were already used to the face to face interaction but I really hope we get to meet again soon

  4. I think that these activity helped me to know better my classmates and to know how they work and how I can help them. Yeah it make me closer with them, I like it because as a group we unite more and we feel confident with everyone. In my opinion know your partner or team is important because it would be easier in the way of working. Maybe have your camera off affect the class, because you can’t see the reactions or expressions when we are talking or discussing about something.
    It would be good to talk about animal testing or something similar.
    - Fernanda Quintana

  5. hey! I liked the assignment because personally I'm a big fan of quizzes (seriously, I'll look them up and do them in my free time.) so this was super fun for me!

    I like getting to know other people and I love talking about myself because I'm just self centered like that :)

    I would definitely love to do more of these activities! maybe we could do a quiz with everyone in the group, or randomly pick out questions for us to answer. I think it would be fun, would help us develop our vocabulary and help us in getting to know eachother!

    -. Andrea .-

  6. Hello folks, I liked the activity because it is interesting and fun to get to know new people, and doing it through a quiz is one of the best ways. It helped me to introspect myself and really question about my personality and who I am.

    It would be cool to do a ''10 things you probably didn't know about me'', or ''random things about me'', because it is a challenge! It sounds crazy, but when we talk about ourselves, we go blank. This kind of activities would help us to:
    1: the student gets in touch with him/herself
    2: the students get closer or at least, they open up to their peers/ start to get along with the others

    Another activity that comes to my mind is asking direct questions. For example, the teacher assigns us names to other students and we have to create questions to that person for the next class.

    Regarding the last question: yes!, not seeing my classmates and friends has been very hard because I feel totally disconnected and distant. But, since our class is at 7 am, I understand why we never turn our cameras on; we look like zombies.

  7. I think that this activity helped me to get to know my classmate better and that's something really nice because I just knew a few things about him before. It was kind of awkward at first but we talked a bit and it felt okay. I think it's very important to feel comfortable with the people you work with so everything ends up being easy-going.
    In my opinion online classes have changed how we see things now because we don’t really get to see other people's faces so it's kind of weird or even uncomfortable because we were used to seeing each other in person.
    Maybe we could try to do more quizzes :)
    - Ximena

  8. hello
    I really liked the activity and I think it is a fun way of getting to know each other
    In my opinion I believe that online classes has made everything complicated around social interaction, at least for me I can say I really have isolated from all my classmates, during the time that we went to school it was definitely way easier to interact with other people and now I kinda miss that whole dynamic of always having someone around you.
    I think that technology has been so helpful during this pandemic but I also believe that we have been ripped from a little part of our humanity, what I am trying to say is that we have become a title insensible and nobody can say that I am lying because when the teacher ask something is easier to just stay quiet, avoid interaction just because we shield behind our screens, I count myself in when I say that is easier to just ignore someone because you are not being seen.
    Anyways I hope that with time we can all learn to manage this in a more friendly way

  9. Hello there, I think this activity helped us to know more about our classmates and that is very important because helps us to be closer as a group and interact more with each one of the group. The cameras may affect the development of the activities because not all of us turn them on , maybe because we don't like that part but it depends on each one . I have no suggestions .

  10. Hey! I enjoined doing the activity, we should do more like this at class to get to know my classmates :)
    And I also it is related to team work cause you get to know the person and what kind of job can be assigned according to it’s personally.
    I really miss when we where face to face cause we were more together and you could laugh at a classmate who was doing something funny in class, or see how someone fell asleep in the classroom chairs but I’m cámara is totally different and weird, and more because our class starts al 7am... we just woke up.
    I like doing quizzes and if it is to know some classmate it will be very interesting :)


  11. I would have liked to interact in this activity with a classmate as I like personality tests too much and it is interesting to learn from others.
    I think that activities like this are important for teamwork because we become more empathetic to the personalities and skills of our classmates and learn how to combine them to get good results.
    I would like to do more activities like this to get to know my classmates a bit more in the time left.
    And about the cameras, online classes and all that I think it's just a matter of adapting and showing a good attitude. It's not that I hate school or anything, but I really wouldn't like to go back to classes this semester, I'm very happy at home and I organize my time better.
    Edna S(:

  12. Hi! I think that these kind of activities definitely help us to know each other better, and while I don't exactly think that online classes affected my realtionships with people I'm closest to, the other ones did get smacked. I know most of the people from the class because we were all in the same section at some point when we still went to school, so I don't feel like I don't know at least a little bit about them, but I don't know how new people feel. About the camaras, I don't think they make that much of a difference as long as people are talking? But I'm not the one giving the class so maybe that's why.
    And while I want to go back to normal classes, the thought of doing exams again the way we used to it's enough to make me reconsider.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  13. Hello there, well I think that making these kind of activities with our classmates help us to get involve better with other persons that we don't know. I like those kind of activities, for the most part of my classmates is really confortable to work with. And yeah definetly the absence of cameras makes the classes way different, because is more common to ignore things. And for new activities I agree with some classmates, to make like ganes or quizes so it becomes competitive and we want more to participate.


  14. Heyyy
    This kind of activities are for connect better with our classmates, and yes I think this is important for the dynamic of the class because when you get along with them is easier to do all the work together. And sometimes having conversations with new people is a little bit difficult for me, but I will try to do my best with this activities.
    Karla :)

  15. Hi, I think this benefited us by knowing someone new, or in my case was that, I would like to do more of these activities cause I don’t know most of my classmates, about teamwork maybe it helps with do more interaction, maybe we can speak more, and not just type, the cameras I don’t think is a big problem because is to early in the morning but sometimes is necessary.

  16. (©~©) funnyface.jpg hey I dont mid this activities I think it is good for everyone to meet new people and certainly now because I really dont know any of my classmates outside third grade (and some second graders) its fun to get to know them a little bit better, even tho the school year almost ends. More interactive games and activities will certainly keep me up more effectively ¬~¬ see ya
    -José M

  17. hiiiii, I heard how was the activity and the purpose of it and I would have liked to participate and know my classmates more , I had some internet problems cause im moving to another house and im trying to assist to all my classes but sometimes its difficult. Im a shy person and this kind of activities help me to be friendlier, to participate more in class and gain confidence. Im not exactly new in the school because I was here during elementary and some of my actual classmates were with my but we never talked hahaha


  18. Hi everyone, we were all used to see our classmates every single day and since March in 2020 we haven’t been able to do that any it sucks, so doing this kind of personal activities are really cool cause even though it is not presencial it feels more like it. I support the idea of this kind of activities, they’re cool. For us to be closer to our classmates I think we should do more activities like this, quizzes or more personal questions
    Fer Laffitte

  19. Im always so shy with everybody at the first meeting, and some activities helped me to talk a little bit more with other people and I think to have the camera off its better because in that way I feel more confident.


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