Spooky Friday

 Hey! So ghosts huh?

These days we've bee talking about some spooky stuff, what do you think about the videos we watch? Would you like to watch something similar in another time? What do you think about ghosts and demons?

Leave your comments! 


  1. Hi teacher! I find the video interesting. I would like to see more content like that because I don't know if ghosts or demos are real, but what I feel when I see those kinds of videos (adrenaline or whatever) I really like it. and of course I would go on a trip to Xochimilco, I think what I’ll be more scared of the spiders than the diabolic dolls.


  2. Hello there. Well about the videos I'd would like them more if the guys had taken it more serious, but it was ok. Yeah definitely I'd like to talk about this kind of subjects on the classes, because they are really interesting to speculate about it. And yeah we have to go with Xochimilco and the Doll Island all of us, I think its going to be funnier than scary, but it's going to be a good experience.

  3. Hey. So, I really liked today's class. It was really entertaining. I think we should watch horror content more often. The videos were scary and funny at the same time. However, these kind of stuff makes me inquire about the beyond and those inexplicable things. It would be awesome if we had a trip together for visiting haunted places. :)
    Yoani Franco

  4. Sup. Well I dont mind watching those videos, I dont care fore them, but my classmates seem to like them, soo.
    The trip would be fun, and yeah its fine to watch those videos or whatever as long as we are watching something instead of working in the book, im down for it, xd

  5. Hi!, I like that kind of videos, because I love everything that has to do with horror. The videos we watched were really cool and scary, the way that they told us about the stories and what had happened in that place was interesting and entertaining. I would love to watch something similar in another class. I don't know what to think about the ghosts and demons are real, because nothing paranormal has happened to me, but maybe they exist.
    Let's go to Xochimilco, I'm in!
    -Fernanda Quintana

  6. Hi Teacher.
    I really Really like the topic about ghosts and demons that we saw on Friday I’ve always like those kind of stuff. About the the guys that were bothering some ghost or a demons I wouldn’t ever do something like that for anything in my life. I would love to go to Xochimilco and visit the Island of the Dolls. Im in whenever you wanna go!


  7. Hi
    I found the videos interesting and I also got scared with the dolls, I really like this kind of topics so I'd like to watch more videos, I believe in ghosts and demons but I wouldn't like to interact with them

  8. Hi everyone
    I really liked the videos we watched I have always felt this curiosity for spooky things, I truly believe that there is something beyond death, I don't think that is the end of all, so I truly believe in ghosts and demons.
    Michelle : )

  9. Hi
    I really like to watch scary movies, videos, documentaries, what ever but with a horror mood. I liked the videos, they were entertaining but because of the jokes I think they cut the horror mood so I would propose to watch completely horror videos, like the ones with the creepy music and all that stuff (:

  10. Hey. I really like these kind of videos, I find them pretty cool and I would like to watch more horror content! Plus those guys are hilarious, and about the trip, I would like to go, I think it would be a very interesting experience so I'm totally in whenever you want to go :D
    - Ximena

  11. Hey, i liked Friday’s class, even though I’m afraid of ghosts. I know I said I didn’t want to go to Xochimilco, but maybe I’ll change my mind :). Let’s watch more horror videos and talk about them. Anything with you guys is super fun.
    Sofía Ampudia

  12. Hi techer! I really like these kind of videos, and I enjoy talking about them and to analize mistery videos. I really don't know if I believe in ghosts or not, because there's really no evidence or proof that makes me think there's no other option but to believe they're real. On the other hand, I've had some experiences that I can't really explain and the world it's amazing enough for them to exist, you know? So I think I'm open-minded about it and would like to continue hearing different points of view.
    -Fernanda Mejía

  13. Hi again, well as I said in the class I´ve already heard about the first two places tha the video showed, and that surprised me because I prefer the english narration than the spanish one , when they were talking about Xochimilco, anyways I like this kind of activities and of course i would like to go to Xochimilco when the quarentine ends.
    -Max D. Morgado

  14. Hi c: . I really like Friday’s activity , we have to watch more videos of spooky things, also we need to go to Xochimilco 😎👌🏾👌🏾, i think that demons and things like that doesn’t exist but the idea of witches that transform in animals or making poisons is really cool

  15. I like to watch that kind of videos but I really don't believe in ghosts I just find entertaining the horror films, books and videos. I would really like to continue doing this type of activities. - Karla Rodríguez

  16. hi teacher! well, I really enjoy watching those types of videos, in which we can learn more about a topic in a fun way!
    personally im not a big fan of spooky stuff, its not really my cup of tea, but I think it can still be interesting at times :)
    I'm not sure if I believe in ghosts/demons or not, but I'm not eager to find out hahaha

    -. Andie .-

  17. I like to watch these kind of videos because they give me an estrange feeling and make me wanna go to the church.

  18. Hi, I like interactive classes like this one, but I prefer science fiction, action, suspense or comedy and love movies.
    Although I think on Halloween something similar to this day would be great.
    I do not like scary things because it already makes me something predictable.
    But I support whatever my classmates decide in the future.
    Edna S(:

  19. Hello teacher I enjoyed the video because sometimes I like to see interesting things or paranormal things because I found it interesting and of course I will enjoy have a trip to Xochimilco.
    Thank you for the video.


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